I also agree with many on the board's decision of shun one shun us all. Due to the unhealthy enviroment this hateful behavior stirs. No child should have to make these decisions or be placed in the middle of this. Period.
This is the way my husband and I feel as well. When we made that position clear to my sister in the past, she said "Of course he feels that way, he's worldly."
My dad just stopped by. Hilarious, he told me that my mother thinks I hung up on her. I assured him that I wouldn't do that, that I heard her shout "I don't want anything to do with your sister, I don't want anything to do with you, or any of you, I have to go now." *click* I waited a moment, then I put the phone down. I most definitely did not, and would not have hung up on her. He said he would let her know that it was a 'miscommunication.'
After a few days reflection on this whole mess, I have been able to get my attitude in line for the good of my child, to put my own feelings aside once again.
We spent more than an hour this morning talking about it, me asking questions about the wedding, about her favorite parts, what she liked best about her dress, etc. She giggled and smiled her way through her story. I think that I will be able to see pictures, even though it'll hurt, because it's best for her. And I always, always do what is best for my child.
She understands that it is the sneaking around on my sister's part that upset me, not her involvement in the wedding in any way. I wanted to be good and sure her sensitive 7 year old conscience doesn't suffer any guilt.
My dad warned me against taking a 'hard line' with my sister. I told him, Dad, my door is always open to her. But this sneaking, deception, and divide and conquer tactic will not be tolerated anymore. By me, or by my husband. We made this decision as a family, and my sister is going to have to act like an adult.
It's going to be all or nothing, the choice is up to my sister. Still no word from my ex. I'm going to be seeing him later today, so it looks like I'll be handing him that letter in person after all.
But I am feeling much better today. Because I'm taking control back. I am not helpless in this situation by any means, and there is no way that they are ever going to pull a stunt like that again.
Thanks again everyone, your support and insights have been priceless. Even whats-his-name who seems to be seeing the JW side...thanks for reminding me why I don't want to go back, ever!